On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was panned in its day, but is it really that bad?
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Tag: Q
You Only Live Twice Is Way Too Goofy To Be Good.
You Only Live Twice is what happens when the creative team gets lazy and goes for a shameless cash-in.
Thunderball Is A Huge Step Up.
Thunderball may seem to be absurd, but it’s one of the better Bond flicks because it’s actually kind of plausible. Hear me out!
Goldfinger Is A Sorely Overrated Bond Film.
Goldfinger is the first true blockbuster of the Bond franchise, but is it really as good as everyone says it is?
From Russia With Love Is A Fantastic Sequel.
Dr. No may have introduced moviegoers to Bond, but From Russia With Love is the movie that put this franchise on the map. Let’s see why!