Why don’t you just force grab the lightsaber already? It makes about as much sense as everything else!
Now that we’ve got all the little things out of the way, it is time to dig into the finale. This is the point where the broad strokes of the movie go from something we are familiar with and love to a borderline rip-off of A New Hope with a bunch of silly twists thrown in that damage everything. Han, Finn, Chewie, and BB-8 head off to the Resistance base, which seems poorly funded and has about the same amount of staff as you’d see in Hope. This paints the Republic as even more negligent and incompetent for their failure to supply the firepower that the Resistance would need to go up against an insurgent group like our villains. All they would have needed were some Y-Wings or B-Wings, but I feel like that might have alerted the audience to the true intentions of the production team.
With all that aside, what’s the plan? Apparently, J.J. and Kasdan have written themselves into a corner because the Starkiller has a self-contained shield covering the planet, so Han, Finn, and Chewie are going to have to pilot the Falcon with such finesse that they are able to drop out of hyperspace in atmosphere. This essentially robs the scene of any tension and makes me wonder why they didn’t just do that in Return of the Jedi at Endor… or during the Battle of Hoth… or basically any situation in the previous six movies where the heroes have gotten themselves into a scrape.
Anyway, Han, Chewie, and Finn agree to go deep into hostile territory with no backup to lower the shields and, hopefully, rescue Rey and bring Ben back from the Dark Side. Meanwhile, Resistance X-Wings will fly in and blow up the oscillator to destroy the Death Star Starkiller. Little do they know that the biggest jetstream of weird stuff is about to begin.
The Force Awakens… And Destroys Everything.

Close enough.
While the Resistance is preparing for war, Rey is strapped in and being watched by Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. Once she awakens, he proceeds to use the same torture techniques that he used on Poe at the beginning, except that Rey is able to repel his reach into her mind. Why? Screw explaining things, that’s why. Kylo leaves the room and struggles with the fact that she called him out because he’ll never be as good as Darth Vader. And what does our villain do upon learning this?
- Does he set extra security in the room?
- Does he try some other technique to get the information he wants?
- Does he leave one guard in the room with a blaster, providing an easy way to escape via her unexplained ability to wield Jedi Mind Tricks?
If you answered number three, congratulations! You can detect stupid plot points like a boss!
Han, Chewie, and Finn To The Non-Rescue!

Best. Line. Ever. You know the one I’m talking about.
Meanwhile, our trio are magically able to land the Falcon without incident and are able to lower the shields without any trouble, tossing Captain Phasma down a garbage chute without any problems whatsoever. After that, they look around for Rey and somehow manage to find her, even though it naturally sucks out all of the tension from the movie because of her unexplained mind abilities. Why do they need to sneak around other than for plot when Rey can just make everyone forget they were there at the drop of a hat?
At the very least, it would have worked until the subject of our next part: the confrontation with Kylo Ren and the death of Han Solo.
To Be Continued in Part 7.
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