In the past few days, other outlets have reported that Kelly Marie Tran (aka Rose Tico of the Star Wars sequel trilogy) has left social media due to months of harassment. I think that it’s important to engage with creative types here, there, and everywhere, but I also want to condemn the sustained harassment that Kelly Marie Tran and others have received online. This is going to be a shorter one, so let me be as clear as possible.
Should You Be Rude To Someone Over A Movie?

There’s a world of difference between writing “go fuck yourself” all the time and wondering if this character can be salvaged or substituted with someone like Jessika Pava.
In a few prior articles, I’ve pointed out that several of the staff members at Lucasfilm have said some rude things about the fans. While some people out there have rightfully pointed out their stupidity, it’s important to be mindful of one’s own attitude as well. Everyone has the freedom to reach out, shitpost, meme, and have a trolling good time, but there is a giant red line between comedy and acting like a monster.
This is especially true if you, dear reader, are a part of the boycott. If you’re thinking about screaming at these people, don’t do it. If you have done so, stop it.
It’s Not Going To Get You What You Want.
Think about it for a second. Most of you know that Hollywood and the entertainment media love to use identity politics and victim status as a form of currency. With this in mind, it’s much more productive to use a hashtag instead of consistently badgering the creative team on Twitter.
If you use a hashtag and get it trending, you’re making your presence known. If you throw a bunch of shit at the staff, you’re giving them an excuse to paint you with every epithet and “-ist” label under the sun. And they would technically be correct because you are the aggressor in that sort of situation.
Don’t give them the satisfaction. Instead, ask yourself this!
What Do I Want?
I’m as much of a fan as I am a creator because I love science fiction, fantasy, and almost every other nook and cranny that fiction has to offer. If you’re as much of a fan of storytelling as I am, then you’re smart enough to know one thing.
Life is too short to feel bad about something.
If you’re irritated with the direction of Star Wars, it may be time to branch out and expand your horizons beyond the realm of the First Order and the Resistance. Technically, the Expanded Universe is still stuffed with memorable characters like Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors, Mara Jade, and Revan. If there’s a surging interest in what came before, that might encourage the change in direction that you want in a positive way.
Or maybe you’re just bored with the whole thing. If so, that’s okay! There are plenty of independent creators (like me!) and new franchises to try out here and there. You might love, hate, or feel indifferent about what you find, but that’s not a bad thing. At the very least, you’re sampling something new out there!
Better yet, why not take what you’ve learned from all of these franchises and make your own entertainment? One of the reasons why I started this company is because Hollywood and other entertainment sectors weren’t sating my hunger for badassery. And as they say, if you want a job done right, you must do it yourself!
Above all, it’s important to do what makes you happy, so I’m going to go and watch some Youtube!
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