On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was panned in its day, but is it really that bad?
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Category: The Legacy Of James Bond
You Only Live Twice Is Way Too Goofy To Be Good.
You Only Live Twice is what happens when the creative team gets lazy and goes for a shameless cash-in.
Thunderball Is A Huge Step Up.
Thunderball may seem to be absurd, but it’s one of the better Bond flicks because it’s actually kind of plausible. Hear me out!
Goldfinger Is A Sorely Overrated Bond Film.
Goldfinger is the first true blockbuster of the Bond franchise, but is it really as good as everyone says it is?
From Russia With Love Is A Fantastic Sequel.
Dr. No may have introduced moviegoers to Bond, but From Russia With Love is the movie that put this franchise on the map. Let’s see why!
Dr. No Is A Solid Start To The Bond Franchise.
Dr. No is not the best James Bond film ever made, but it is a good start to one of the world’s greatest media franchises.